Our Vision

Our Mission and Vision

Leading people to life, hope, purpose, and wholeness through Jesus Christ.

The Fountain Church is on a mission to connect people to Jesus and impact the world for Jesus together! Why? Jesus wants to fill you with abundant life and purposeful living.

Our strategy is REACH, CONNECT, GROW, SEND.

Our passion is to REACH people with the transforming love of Jesus. We CONNECT people to real relationships with Jesus and people. We want to help you to GROW in your faith. We also SEND people out, equipped to be on mission for God everywhere we go. Whether you are newer to church or a lifelong Christ follower, you will find a welcoming community where you can call home.

We strive to create an environment and culture where people can have a real relationship with God and experience God’s love and power working in your life.

Love God, Love People, Make Disciples

Our mission drives us to reach people with God’s love, connect people in Christ-centered community, and grow people into fully devoted followers of Christ who transform the world. The Fountain is driven by the Great Commandment which is about loving God and loving people; and the Great Commission in Matthew 28 to “make disciples” of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Areas of Focus

We focus on four main areas to help accomplish our vision of “leading people to life, hope, purpose, and wholeness through Jesus Christ.”

Why The Fountain name?

In Psalm 36, God is referred to as the “Fountain of Life”. We are called The Fountain Church as a reminder that God is our source of overflowing love and God is our path to experience hope, purpose, and wholeness. Our goal is to point people to God, The Fountain of Life, so people all over may experience new life through Jesus.

Core Values

We will do whatever it takes, short of sin, to reach people far from God.
We go where people are to lead them closer to Jesus. (Impact happens best when the church is out in the community.)
We welcome others the way God first welcomed us.
We invite every member to actively engage in ministry.
We will constantly celebrate what God is doing.
We are devoted to continuous improvement; striving to be excellent under God in all areas of our church. (Make it better!)
We will lead the way in Biblical stewardship and radical generosity.

What We Believe


We believe in one true God who is revealed in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the Creator, Ruler, Redeemer, and Sustainer of all that exists. God is good, holy, and perfectly loving all at the same time. We believe God’s grace is available to all people.

The Father - God is great, God is good

Our great God is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, unchanging. God is completely worthy of our trust because God is holy. It is in God that we live, move and exist. God is also good! God is our loving Heavenly Father who knows everything about us, loves us completely, and wants to transform us. God the Father is perfectly loving, compassionate, and faithful to His people and His promises.

Jesus - God lived among us

Jesus Christ is the only Son of God who was sent into the world to be “God with us.” While on earth, Jesus demonstrated God’s unending love for all people and power to transform people’s lives. Jesus is Lord over everything in Heaven and earth, and Jesus is Savior for anyone who believes. God’s love was seen best when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, which made a way for us to have abundant life, forgiveness of sins, and access into a relationship with God forever.

The Holy Spirit - God is present

We believe the Holy Spirit is the literal presence and power of God that is actively with us today. The Holy Spirit comforts, leads, sustains, convicts, and empowers.

Humanity - God's image bearers

We believe humanity was created in the image of God, which means we resemble our Creator. We are God’s masterpiece and deeply loved by God. At the same time, we see in Genesis 3 and every day after that we have all fallen short of the glory of God. We stand in need of God’s saving grace. We also believe that humanity can choose to accept or reject a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. All people need to be connected to God. The good news is: God’s grace is always available to us.

The Bible - Authority of God's Word

We believe the whole Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, is the Word of God. It was written by human hands, but fully inspired by God. We believe in the authority of Scripture as it informs and transforms our understanding of God, life, salvation. The Bible shows how we can live according to God’s will. As John Wesley once said: The Bible contains “all things necessary to salvation.”

Salvation - Our path to God

God desires to lead all people into a saving, growing relationship through Jesus Christ. That is made possible only by God’s grace and love for us. We cannot earn God’s love and we can never pay it back. Salvation is a free gift from God that is available to all people. In order to be saved, we must accept the grace of God and allow Jesus to become our Lord.

Sanctification – Growing in Grace

God reaches out to us just as we are, but God loves us too much to leave us just as we are. After we accept God’s grace and start that relationship, God wants to help us to grow to become more like Jesus everyday. This is not done with human effort, but with the help of God.